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Guitar for Singers
How To Use This Course. You did it, welcome to G21academy “TRAINING WHEELS”! You did it! First I wanted to thank you for being part of the official first G21 guitar training group, it makes me very happy to see you joining this program and taking the first steps towards it... In this introduction, we are going to start setting up the right mindset and expectations and then you are going to learn how to make the most of this “training wheels” beginners course so the guitar becomes something you will find very fun and effortless to do. Keep in mind if you have any other questions I'll be one message away here or to [email protected] How to use this course: This course is for absolute beginners if you can already play some chords then it will be easier for you and we will talk about how to adjust the level of intensity for those who want to make this program to follow their own pace. The course is currently 90% done into its current video format and the rest of it will come along in 30 days using the feedback on which parts of the program you liked the most. For the next 2 weeks, you will have just 3 clear instructions to remember Be consistent .10 minutes a day beats 2 hours on weekends. Keep your guitar out of the case and in plain sight in your room Have fun! That's all you need, for now, In the next few days, we will explore how you can use Neuroscience to help your guitar playing, how to use guitar meditations and lots of crazy stuff. Now enjoy playing your first song! See ya in a bit! Fernando.
The fastest way to learn the guitar is for you to make lots of mistakes, to have fun making them, and then to learn from them as fast as you can. But, the fastest way to MASTER what you have learned is to teach it to somebody else. Having said that you need first to be aware of those mistakes, and you need people to test your knowledge. In this project, you will need to do 2 things to call it done: 1 Step out of your comfort zone and SHARE your playing with us. just a few seconds will do the job so we can see if you are not making regretful mistakes, you will need to use the practice sessions video to play along with it until you feel comfortable to record yourself playing over it. just a few seconds, keep it between 20 and 30. 2 Comment on other people's videos with a Student mindset The good thing about the internet is that people like to correct people, so if you make an indication of what you just learned more people will see it and if you are right you will be helping someone, but if you are wrong you and everybody in the group will be learning from all the bashing :) Have a good day and enjoy the ride! Fernando.
Congratulations on finishing DAY1 ! Probably your fingers are hurting a bit, thats ok it will get better with some time... I just wanted to tell you something I learned with the first group of students who did training wheels as you are right now. Everyone is different and the best way to do this course is a way that makes YOU feel good. That's it, I said it. So Before running into Day 2, I suggest you to use a couple of days to process what you just got and to practice it a bit along with the practice sessions. Also, you can use the Worksheet where you can find lots of songs you can play with what you just learned. Day 2 is going to be a bit more on your right hand so you better get that left hand well trained before moving on. Most of the students take their first week on guitar just with DAY 1 and playing along with those song variations. Before trying to learn new "words" in your guitar vocabulary, you can try to make the most out of what you already learned. Now go ahead and have fun! Enjoy playing those 10 songs! F.
Congrats! Day two was a bit easy on the left hand but not so easy on the right-hand right? I wanted to let you know that most of the students who finish this lesson take some time to be able to get that right thumb in place for each of the chords, also they make sure their right-hand does not go too far away with each exercise, this could take you a few days and this is entirely up to you on how long you want to practice that exercise. At this point, you must be familiar with the Recap/warmup sections of the course, I got messages from students telling me how they love those cause it fits easily into their day to day routine. So before moving to "Day 3" it could be a good idea for you to repeat the recap warm-up or the last practice sessions of day 2 but this time you will use fingers 2 and 3. This will be a litle bit more challenging and uncomfortable and that's exactly what you need to grow :) Get your back straight and your chest to the sky cause you are about the practice like pro guitarists do. Enjoy!
Fernando Lavado
Creador de G21 Academy